Europe for Tibet 2024

Stop China's interferences in Europe and protect the Tibetan people's rights and freedoms!

Pledge to take a stand for Tibet!

Between 6 and 9 June 2024, 720 EU citizens will be elected to the European Parliament for the next 5 years.

With this appeal, we call on them to pledge to take a stand for Tibet during their mandate.

Tibet encompasses many of the important issues facing us today, including climate change, the defense of our democracies against growing authoritarianism and threat to security in this strategic part of Asia. In a world torn by conflicts, the Tibetan people’s culture of compassion makes this a one-of-a-kind cause that has the power to inspire us all and be a vector for peace in the region and beyond.

By supporting Tibet as a Member of the European Parliament, you can:

  • defend the EU against Chinese threat to security and interferences in our democracies such as transnational repression of Tibetans living in our countries;
  • promote the principles and values upon which the European Union is based, including the respect of human rights, the rule of law, democracy and cultural diversity;
  • stand up for the peaceful struggle of the Tibetan people against Chinese oppression.
Pledge support for Tibet
About Tibet
Why support Tibet
Questionnaire for political parties

Fast Facts about Tibet

Tibet in numbers

Tibetan political prisoners in the last 28 years according to the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights & Democracy
Tibetan self-immolations (known)
Tibetans in exile
UN Resolutions on Tibet (1959, 1961 & 1965)
UN Member States who raised Tibet at China's UN Universal Periodic Review in 2024

Why support Tibet

From human rights to the environment and democracy, Tibet is at the heart of the most pressing issues facing the world and Europe.

Appeal to National Parties

As part of the elections to the European Parliament, we will be asking the parties questions about Tibet, human rights, transnational repression and many other issues.

Above all, we want to know what policies they have set themselves in order to actively address the deteriorating human rights situation in Tibet and China.  

We ask the users of this website to ask their party contacts in the respective countries whether they have already answered our questionnaire.

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"The human rights situation in Tibet remains a cause for grave concern. The Tibetan people continue to endure violations of their fundamental rights, including restrictions on freedom of speech, religion, and assembly."

Mikulas Peksa, Chairman of the European Parliament's Tibet Interest Group

Pledge for Tibet!

With this appeal, we call on candidate to the 2024 European elections to pledge to take a stand for Tibet during their mandate!

By supporting Tibet as a Member of the European Parliament, you can:

✅ Defend the EU against Chinese threat to security and interferences in our democracies such as transnational repression of Tibetans living in our countries 

✅ Promote the principles and values upon which the European Union is based, including the respect of human rights, the rule of law, democracy and cultural diversity

✅ Stand up for the peaceful struggle of the Tibetan people against Chinese repression

  • Publicly raising human rights abuses in Tibet, including restrictions on freedom of expression, religion, assembly and association; forced evictions and relocation of nomads and rural Tibetans; arbitrary detentions and torture; systematic violation of child rights and language rights; threats to the survival of an authentic and self-determined Tibetan culture. 
  • Advocate for unfettered access to Tibet for United Nations human rights experts, diplomats, parliamentarians, independent media and civil society; with regard to economic and social policies, for the meaningful inclusion of Tibetans, based on the principle of free, prior and informed consent and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.  
  • Supporting the peaceful resolution of the Sino-Tibetan conflict, notably by encouraging the resumption of the Sino-Tibetan dialogue, while endorsing the non-violent freedom struggle of Tibetans for a meaningful autonomy through the Middle Way Approach of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. 
  • Actively supporting the reestablishment of the European Parliament’s Tibet Intergroup that was first created in 1989, and becoming an active member; 
  • Supporting the appointment of an EU Special Representative for Tibet; 
  • Supporting the adoption of resolution (including urgency resolutions) on Tibet and on human rights in China when appropriate, and follow-up on previously passed resolutions; 
  • Proposing amendments on Tibet and on human rights in China to relevant reports of the European Parliament (including reports on EU-China relations and the Annual Report on Human Rights in the World and the European Union’s policy on the matter); 
  • Regularly submitting written and oral questions on Tibet to the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission (HR/VP) and to the European External Action Service (EEAS); 
  • Requesting hearings and debates on Tibet, notably in the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) and in the Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI) and on Chinese interferences in Europe, such as transnational repression against Tibetans living in Europe;
  • Maintaining and deepening relations with the Central Tibetan Administration, including the Tibetan Parliament in Exile, by taking part in visits to Dharamsala, India, and participating in the World Parliamentarians' Conventions on Tibet. 
  • Requesting the Chinese authorities to allow a delegation of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to visit Tibet. 

Are you a candidate to the 2024 European Elections?

Sign the Pledge!

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EU4TIBET is a campaign led jointly by the Tibet Interest Group of the European Parliament, the International Campaign for Tibet and the Office of Tibet Brussels, with the significant support of the International Tibet Network, Tibet Support Groups and Tibetan Communities in Europe.

© Copyright 2024 -  International Campaign for Tibet. All Rights Reserved.
