
Number of seats to be allocated in the European Parliament: 21

Signatories to the pledge

This section will be updated soon.

Portuguese parties on Tibet 

Ahead of the European elections, national political parties were asked to take position on a number of Tibet-related issues via a questionnaire. You can find their answers below (click on the party name to access the document).


Below are some of the parties that are nominating candidates for the European elections:

Partido Socialistahttps://portugalnaeuropa.pt/
Aliança Democráticahttps://ad2024.pt/candidatos-europeias
Bloco de Esquerda (BE)https://www.bloco.org/media/CandidatosEuropeias2024.pdf
Coligação Democrática Unitária (CDU)https://www.cdu.pt/parlamentoeuropeu2024
Pessoas–Animais–Natureza (PAN)https://www.pan.com.pt/eleicoes/eleicoes-europeias-2024/
Iniciativa Liberal (IL)https://iniciativaliberal.pt/
Volt Portugalhttps://voltportugal.org/europeias-2024

Contact Details 

Alexandra Correia, Grupo de Apoio ao Tibete - [email protected]

EU4TIBET is een campagne die gezamenlijk wordt geleid door de Tibet Interest Group van het Europees Parlement, de International Campaign for Tibet en het Office of Tibet Brussels, met de aanzienlijke steun van het International Tibet Network, Tibet Support Groups en Tibetaanse gemeenschappen in Europa.
