
Number of seats to be allocated in the European Parliament: 17

Signatories to the pledge

This section will be updated soon.


The following parties are nominating candidates for the European elections:

Graždani za evropejsko razvitie na Bǎlgarija (GERB)http://gerb.bg/
Продължаваме промяната – Демократична България (PP-DB)https://ppdb.bg/
Revival (V)http://www.vazrazhdane.bg/
Ima takăv narod (ITN)https://pp-itn.bg/
Dvizhenie za prava i svobodi (DPS)https://www.dps.bg/
Bulgarska sotsialisticheska partiya (BSP)https://bsp.bg/
VMRO - Bălgarsko nacionalno dviženie
Политическите партии в България (BV)

Bulgarian parties on Tibet

No party has responded to the questionnaire so far. 

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