
Number of seats to be allocated in the European Parliament: 21

Signatories to the pledge

This section will be updated soon.

Portuguese parties on Tibet 

Ahead of the European elections, national political parties were asked to take position on a number of Tibet-related issues via a questionnaire. You can find their answers below (click on the party name to access the document).


Below are some of the parties that are nominating candidates for the European elections:

Partido Socialistahttps://portugalnaeuropa.pt/
Aliança Democráticahttps://ad2024.pt/candidatos-europeias
Bloco de Esquerda (BE)https://www.bloco.org/media/CandidatosEuropeias2024.pdf
Coligação Democrática Unitária (CDU)https://www.cdu.pt/parlamentoeuropeu2024
Pessoas–Animais–Natureza (PAN)https://www.pan.com.pt/eleicoes/eleicoes-europeias-2024/
Iniciativa Liberal (IL)https://iniciativaliberal.pt/
Volt Portugalhttps://voltportugal.org/europeias-2024

Contact Details 

Alexandra Correia, Grupo de Apoio ao Tibete - [email protected]

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