
Number of seats to be allocated in the European Parliament: 15

Signatories to the pledge

  • Niels Christian DAHL, Socialdemokratiet
  • Emil NJOR, Socialistisk Folkeparti
  • Tortsen RINGGAARD, Enhedslisten
  • Per CLAUSEN, Enhedslisten
  • Julius SCHUBRING, Alternativet
  • Ibrahim BENLI, Enhedslisten
  • Christian SCHMIDT JACOBSEN, Enhedslisten
  • Steen HOLM IVERSEN, Konservative Folkeparti
  • Kira Marie PETER-HANSEN, Socialistisk Folkeparti
  • Valentina CRAST, Alternativet
  • Sigrid FRIIS, Radikale Venstre


The following parties are nominating candidates for the European elections:

Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti (V)https://www.venstre.dk/
Socialdemokratiet (A)https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/seneste/se-listen-her-er-socialdemokratiets-kandidater-til-europa-parlamentet
Socialistisk Folkeparti (F)https://sf.dk/dine-kandidater-til-europaparlamentsvalget/
Dansk Folkeparti (O)https://danskfolkeparti.dk/
Radikale Venstre (B)https://www.radikale.dk/mennesker/?categories=57582fe275c6491e893dacf08edf0a7b&limit=18
Det Konservative Folkeparti (C)https://konservative.dk/
Enhedslisten – De Rød-Grønne (Ø)https://enhedslisten.eu/nyheder/per-clausen-er-enhedslistens-spidskandidat-til-eu-parlamentsvalget/
Alternativet (Å)https://alternativet.dk/personer/eu-kandidater
Liberal Alliance (I)https://www.liberalalliance.dk/blog/liberal-alliance-har-valgt-kandidater-til-europa-parlamentsvalget-2024/
Moderaterne (M)https://moderaterne.dk/ep-kandidater/
Danmarksdemokraterne (Æ)https://danmarksdemokraterne.dk/forside/ep-kandidater-538/

Danish parties on Tibet 

No party has responded to the questionnaire so far. 

Contact Details

Anders Hojmark Andersen, Støttekomiteen for Tibet - [email protected]

EU4TIBET is a campaign led jointly by the Tibet Interest Group of the European Parliament, the International Campaign for Tibet and the Office of Tibet Brussels, with the significant support of the International Tibet Network, Tibet Support Groups and Tibetan Communities in Europe.

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